Much to our delight, as part of ongoing arts/club/music night The Playground, we have again been invited to strut our story stuff at Proud Galleries in Camden.
This basically means that if you missed Gentlemen & Players last Tuesday at the Wheafsheaf, you now can come along at 7pm next Tuesday 19th May and hear our fabulous actors read them for you again.
It will also cost £5 instead of £3 because your ticket grants you entry to the bands, DJ and other stuff that's on there after the stories have been read - but trust us, for Camden that's a bargain. Drinks are also silly cheap until 10 or something, and the whole place (including bar) stays open until midnight.
The bands are Delooze, Ocean Reid (playing this summer at Beachdown and Out of the Ordinary festivals) and genre-straddling electro/rock/anthem-mongers The Education. So don't say we never do nothing for you.
As for the stories, as before they feature torture, kidnap, murder, flirtation, Prince Harry and quiche. Oh, and some gentlemen. And players.