My brother suffers from Kunderan vertigo; a heady, insuperable desire to fall upward. There is very little we can do other than try to weigh him down. On the day of his baptism, the priest informed my parents that David had a ‘heavenly calling’. He meant it literally.
His condition dictates that he varies in lightness. Upon leaving the house my mother, who is more of a worrier than my father, stuffs books into his coat pockets. She does this to quell her fear that one day his feet will simply up and abandon the pavement.
absolutely inspiring.
hope to read more of yours in the future da.
lots of love,
Posted by: beverly malone | Sep 15, 2009 at 04:40 PM
Good job stinky! Keep creating simple but beautiful things like this. You truly know how to make someone smile x
Posted by: Kervin R. | Sep 14, 2009 at 07:29 PM