I first discovered David Sedaris's hilarious mini-collection of Christmas-inspired stories, Holidays on Ice, in a charity shop for 50p: it was a worthwhile investment as that year I bought new copies for pretty much everyone I knew. It's still a go-to stocking-filler for any friend with a pulse and a sense of humour.
The blurb should give you an idea of the general style:
"Holidays on Ice collects six of David Sedaris's most profound Christmas stories into one slender volume perfect for use as a last-minute coaster or ice scraper. This drinking man's companion can be enjoyed by the warmth of a raging fire, the glow of a brilliantly decorated tree, or even in the backseat of a van or police car. It should be read with your eyes, felt with your heart, and heard only when spoken to. It should, in short, behave much like a book. And, oh, what a book it is!"
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