... according to the paper's go-out-and-have-fun Do Something supplement, that is. And they should know. The article is linked here and in full below - it also mentions our compadres Stand-Up Tragedy (at which a few LL stories have had second outings) and several other nights around the country that sound well worth checking out ...
Ten great storytelling nights

• How to start your own storytelling night
• Joe Dunthorne: Slickness doesn't help
- The Guardian, Saturday 22 March 2014
Tales of Whatever
Now in its third year, Tales of Whatever has a dedicated following in the north west. Ten-minute tales, all true, are recounted live and without notes. It is also appearing at this year's Latitude festival in July.
Second Wednesday of each month, free, at Gullivers Ballroom, 109 Oldham Street, Manchester M4 1LW. talesofwhatever.com
The Story Forge
Featuring open-mic and guest slots, this Sheffield fixture is a gloriously unpredictable jumble of folk tales, urban myths, riddles and poetry.
Third Tuesday of every month, £3 or pay what you can, at the Fat Cat, Alma Street, Sheffield S3 8SA.
Standup Tragedy
This show alternates between the Hackney Attic and the Dogstar, Brixton. Performers explore tragedy through music, fiction, comedy, true stories and more, and the night culminates in a cathartic singalong. There's also an accompanying podcast available on its website. Monthly, £5 in advance, £7 on the door (£2 extra if you want a fanzine).
Hackney Attic: 270 Mare St, London E8 1HE.
The Dogstar: 389 Coldharbour Ln, London SW9 8LQ.
The Guid Crack
Ceilidhs – exuberant Gaelic social events – are growing in popularity across the country, but they were originally far more focused on storytelling than the currently popular folk music and dancing. Reviving the old tradition, Scotland's leading story night meets on the last Friday of every month, with a £3 suggested donation, at the Waverley Bar, just off the Royal Mile on St Mary's Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TA.
Liars' League
Leeds, Leicester, London
Author Katy Darby's Liars' League enlists actors to read new short stories, from Lorrie Moore to Lydia Davis.
London: second Tuesday of every month, £5 on the door, the Phoenix, 37 Cavendish Square, London W1G 0PP.
Leicester: see website for dates, free, the Exchange Bar, 50 Rutland Street, LE1 1RD.
Kendal, Lake District
Each month brings a different, internationally renowned storyteller. There are no rules about tone and content: some nights will feel like a comedy gig, others more like a programme on Radio 4. On Friday 11 April it's the Belgian storyteller Fred Versonnen. Tea and cake are provided in return for donations, and you can bring drinks or even a picnic. Monthly, £8/£6, Brigsteer Village Hall, Kendal LA8 8AL.
Kill Your Darlings
A monthly night of "literary variety and cabaret", held in an old cinema in Stokes Croft. Storytellers include Molly Naylor, Sara Pascoe and Tim Clare; guests are promised a "warm and boozy" atmosphere, nice people and fairy lights.
Monthly, £5.50, The Cube Microplex, 4 Princess Row, Kingsdown, Bristol
The Invisible Dot: Stories
The Edinburgh comedy award nominee Liam Williams curates this themed night of storytelling by new and established writers. The Invisible Dot started out as a comedy agency, representing Tim Key. Last year it launched a venue in London, and it also appears at festivals; where in Edinburgh it once hosted storytelling events in old phone boxes. Monthly, £10, at 2 Northdown St, London N1 9BG.
A night of food, wine and unscripted, five-minute, true stories. Everybody is welcome to come along to listen or take part. The night usually starts with dinner, before the crowd move upstairs for the show.
Final Monday of the month, £2, Albion Beatnik Bookshop or Turl Street Kitchen, Oxford
Shaggy Dog Storytellers
Hebden Bridge
This club promotes storytelling across West Yorkshire and holds monthly gigs at the Stubbing Wharf Pub, with a different reader each month. On Friday 28 March, come for Kevin Walker's "gut-wrenching stories that will stay with you for some time.".
Last Friday of the month, The Stubbing Wharf Pub, King St, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6LU