The bars clang, the padlock clunks, and the dripping cell-door slooowly creaks wide to release the winning stories for our Lock & Key event. (PLEASE CLICK TO JOIN FACEBOOK EVENT SO WE HAVE AN IDEA OF NUMBERS!)
Lightfingers Morgan by Charles Whitting *NEW AUTHOR*, read by Will Goodhand
Key Party by Sarah McAllister *NEW AUTHOR*, read by Louisa Gummer
The Fantastic Fritz by Nigel Robinson, read by Greg Page
The Consular Agent by Phil Berry, read by Andrew Baguley
The Baggage Handlers by Jim Cogan, read by Ray Newe
Key Party by Sarah McAllister *NEW AUTHOR*, read by Louisa Gummer
The Fantastic Fritz by Nigel Robinson, read by Greg Page
The Consular Agent by Phil Berry, read by Andrew Baguley
The Baggage Handlers by Jim Cogan, read by Ray Newe
These cryptic tales feature escapologists, conquistadors, thieves, stag-do reunions, hipster sex parties and all manner of other disreputability - no wonder they've been put away for the greater good. Join us at The Phoenix (details below) for a special one-day parole on Tuesday 8th September and help our repentant authors pay their debt to society! There will also be the usual infamous book quiz, on-theme sweeties, and food & booze available at the canteen.
As always, doors open at 7pm and lock-up begins at 7.30. Entrance is £5 on the door (cash only) and tables for 4 or more can be reserved by calling 07808 939535.
The venue is downstairs at:
The Phoenix
37 Cavendish Square
(The Phoenix is five minutes from Oxford Circus tube station, which is on the Victoria, Bakerloo & Central lines). Map here.
Writer-alum Agnieszka Dale's short story FOX SEASON is among three stories by Polish authors commissioned by BBC Radio 4, and is scheduled for broadcast on Friday 11th September at 3.45 PM. The full series (called Angielski) will be available on i-player thereafter for 30 days.
Props to LL authors Sammy Wright and Rebex Swisky, both of whom were just named runners-up in the prestigious Ambit Flash Fiction Competition 2015.
LONDON LITERATURE FESTIVAL, Southbank Centre, 28 Sep - 12 Oct This year’s festival is a laboratory of science, technology and art, seen through the lens of the written and spoken word, with talks, readings, comedy, poetry and free events. Highlights include a journey into the mind of Terry Gilliam, and a four-day performed reading of Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick organised by writer-alum Jarred McGinnis, with readers including Liar Katy Darby.
Writer-alum Anna Mazzola recently signed a two-book deal with Tinder Press (Headline) for her debut novel The Unseeing, which grew out of her Victorian prisoner story Crossing the Line, originally read at LL. It's out in summer 2016 so congrats to her!
Friend of the League Jonathan Gibbs has just launched his short-story critique website Taylz - it's an anonymous submission & review site where you can get honest opinions on your stories of 2000-8000 words, in return for writing your own short critiques of others' work. What a good idea!
- THIS Sunday 6 September: we, the London League, want your stories of spooky Signs & Omens for our October Hallowe'en event. Whether the signs & omens in your tale are arcane symbols of an ancient alien race, hieroglyphs on a mummy's tomb, comets, street-signs, birthmarks, or something completely different (but still scary) it doesn't matter - just make us shudder! Send 800-2000 words to [email protected].
- ASAP: A new social publishing platform called Lexii is launching soon as part of FicShelf ( and seeks writers interested in serialising their work, who have at least five chapters completed to publish on the site. Selected authors will be paid £50 per chapter, offered marketing and design support (including cover design) and retain full rights to their work, so will be able to publish elsewhere – they just need to publish with Lexii first. Contact [email protected]
- Until midnight on Sunday 27th September: Fiction imprint Twenty7 Books is launching a 27-day period of open submissions in a bid to find new authors. During the open submissions period, writers can submit a one-page pitch for their manuscript, plus the first 5,000 words. The novel does not have to be finished and all genres will be considered, although the publisher is looking for mass-market bestsellers and the author must be previously unpublished.
- Friday 30 October: Liars' League Leeds seeks stories of Death & Taxes (800-2000 words). Email your tales of the Grim Reaper (and maybe even Death too) to [email protected] by midnight on the day of the deadline.
- Saturday 31 October: Liars' League New York City is looking for fiction taking inspiration from Magic & Moonlight. Email your most enchanting prose to the lovely folk at [email protected] by midnight on the day of the deadline.
- Saturday 31 October: Words with Jam Short Story Competition deadline - up to 2500 words, first prize £500, entry fee £6. Full details here