It's that time of year again, when ghosties and ghoulies and things that go bump in the night ooze from under the bed and down to the Phoenix's subterranean bar for our pre-Hallowe'en SIGNS & OMENS event on Tuesday 13th October. We've got a truly fiendish line-up for you this month, with zombies and werewolves and haunted hotels, monsters and cannibal vampires, oh my! And here they are:
Kalimantan by Lisa Beyt *NEW AUTHOR*, read by Nicky Diss
Mother's Milk by J. A. Hopper *NEW AUTHOR*, read by Liz Bower
Beasts of London by Dan Coxon *NEW AUTHOR*, read by Lionel Laurent *NEW ACTOR*
The Magic Slate by Pat Black, read by Lois Tucker
Locked In by Liam Hogan, read by Carrie Cohen
The Hotel Entrance by Brindley Hallam Dennis, read by Silas Hawkins
Doors open at 7pm, we kick off at 7.30 and tickets are £5 on the door (venue details below). As is traditional, the night will also feature scary sweeties, the terrifyingly tough interval quiz, and an unholy trinity of dark and sinister books to be won. See you there - if you dare ...
Signs & Omens for Hallowe'en
Tuesday 13th October at 7.30pm, £5 on the door.
Venue: Downstairs at The Phoenix
LONDON LITERATURE FESTIVAL, Southbank Centre. Thursday 1st to Sunday 4th October features a four-day performed reading of Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick organised by writer-alum Jarred McGinnis and his kick-ass colleagues at The Special Relationship, with readers including Liar Katy Darby (reading at 12ish on Saturday 3rd) plus other writers, comedians, musicians and actors, many of whom are proper famous people. Drop in - it's FREE!
Liars' League is appearing at the Sevenoaks Literary Celebration on Tuesday 6th October (alongside such luminaries as Andrew O'Hagan, Kate Mosse & Simon Armitage) with a superb selection of our very best stories. Tickets are £9 and can be bought here.
We're also pulling out all the stops for Litcrawl on Friday 16th October: we're part of Phase 1, starting at 7pm at the Brick Brewery (2 min from Peckham Rye station/overground). It's FREE and there will be BEER (not free).
Liar Katy is participating in the Authorpreneur event on Thursday 22nd October at City University. More info here
Being Dad: Short Stories about Fatherhood is an anthology of 16 new stories by writer-dads including three LL authors: Andrew McDonnell (whose superb Breakfast by the Motorway featured at our Parent & Child event in June), Courttia Newland & Sammy Wright. But it won't exist unless you Kickstart it by this Monday 12th October - there's only a few days to go, so pledge now. Rewards include books, beermats, your or your dad's name in the back, and your dad's photo on the cover.
Keep meaning to write more? Go back to school (sort of) with Liar Katy's 10-week Short Story Writing evening class, starting at City University this coming Wednesday October 7th. Every student must submit and workshop a new short story during the course, so it'll get you on track ...
Bartle Sawbridge has just published his first novel, A Piece of String, and Bobbie Darbyshire's third novel, Oz, is out now. Congrats both!
- THIS Sunday 4th October: we, the London League, want your weird fiction on the theme of CURIOUSER & CURIOUSER. We're celebrating the 150th anniversary of Alice in Wonderland with a call for stories bizarre, fantastical, hallucinatory, psychedelic and Carrollesque, from magical realism to high fantasy. Send 800-2000 words of your strangest work to [email protected].
- NEXT Sunday 11th October: Liars' League Hong Kong is seeking stories for its last deadline of the year. If you've ever wanted your work performed to a cheering crowd halfway acoss the world now's your chance: write an 800-1200 word story on the theme of Rich & Poor and send it to [email protected] by midnight on the day of the deadline.
- Wednesday 21st October: Arachne Press is looking for Solstice Short stories or poems (or songs/music!) with a Longest Night theme. Submit here:
- Friday 30th October: Liars' League Leeds seeks stories of Death & Taxes (800-2000 words). Email your tales of the Grim Reaper (and maybe even Death too) to [email protected] by midnight on the day of the deadline.
- Saturday 31st October: Liars' League New York City is looking for fiction taking inspiration from Magic & Moonlight. Email your most enchanting prose to the lovely folk at [email protected] by midnight on the day of the deadline.
- Saturday 31st October: Words with Jam Short Story Competition deadline - up to 2500 words, first prize £500, entry fee £6. Full details here
- Wednesday 9th December: Calling women writers! Submit your poems or short stories to (paying, prestigious) Mslexia on the theme ‘Monster’. Click the link for more info.
NEXT EVENT: Signs & Omens for Hallowe'en
Tuesday 13th October at 7.30pm, £5 on the door.
Venue: Downstairs at The Phoenix
37 Cavendish Square
London W1G 0PP
London W1G 0PP