Interested in our next event? It's Naughty & Nice for Christmas on Tuesday 11th December - more info here.
For on Hallowe'en, the dead crawl from their coffins, the witches celebrate their unholy Sabbath, and the veil 'twixt the worlds of flesh and spirit begins to fray! However, on Tuesday October 9th at our pre-Halloween event Trick & Treat, (click for the YouTube playlist of all the story videos) we just scared the pants off you with a pumpkinful of twisted, terrifying, and always entertaining short stories. And it only cost a fiver. It's literally the cheapest thrill in the West End.
Those who braved our Trick & Treat night encountered monsters in the cupboard, death up a ginnel, the dread Castle Woebetide, four feral sisters, Wanda the Witch Wench, and even Death himself, all lurking in the shadow-haunted Pit of Terror (A.K.A the Phoenix's basement bar) ...
(P.S. If you want to submit a story for December or come along to the next event, see here for our next deadline & event.)
Hide. Go Seek. by Dan Howarth, read by Math Jones
Trixie's Treat by Diane Payne, read by Sophie Morris-Sheppard
Another Mother by Michael Harris Cohen, read by Miranda Harrison
Rounds by Anna Savory, read by Will Teller
The Dungeon Master's Guide by Rhys Timson, read by David Mildon
Strawberry Creams by Victoria Finan, read by Margaret Ashley
As usual, doors open at 7pm for a 7.30 start and tickets are £5 on the door (cash only, sorry, but there is a cashpoint across the street). Drinks and food will be available at the bar, though there are also free spooky sweets and the infamous interval quiz features fabulously frightening books to be won! There's no pre-booking, but tables for four or more can be reserved by calling 07808 939535.
The venue is the downstairs bar at:
The Phoenix Pub
37 Cavendish Square
Accessibility note: Access to the basement is via stairs: there is no lift, sadly.
The Phoenix is 5 minutes' walk from Oxford Circus tube station, which is on the Victoria, Bakerloo and Central lines. Map here)