NEXT EVENT: Tuesday August 10th - WOMEN & GIRLS: Our 5th annual celebration of stories about and by women & girls. N.B. For the avoidance of doubt, we are ONLY seeking submissions from female authors writing female protagonists for this theme. (Our usual male:female submission ratio is about 2:1 so this is our way of helping to redress the imbalance, in case you're curious ...)
To reserve tickets for the Women & Girls event, please see below for instructions on how to book and pay. Tickets are £5 per person, Maximum number of people at any one table is 6, but you can request adjacent tables when booking.
In the beginning, the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep. And the spirit of live fiction moved over the face of the waters ... And then the Liars got all their votes in, and a new order was come! It was rich with naked hikers and chaos Empresses and cats on Mars, mighty with evil angels and model buses, and it was GOOD.
Chaos Reigns by E P Henderson, read by Gloria Sanders
The Last Cat on Mars by Quintin Forrest, read by Al Woodhall
The Capture of Whitehall by David McGrath, read by the author
Certain Promises, Certain Threats by Rhys Timson, read by Oliver Yellop
The show was on Tuesday June 8th. Doors open at 6.30pm for a 7.30pm start, downstairs at The Phoenix pub, 37 Cavendish Square, London W1G 0PP (tube: Oxford Circus). Tickets are strictly limited and £5 in advance. Please see below for how to reserve your table.
UPDATE: If you're unable to pay online there will be some tickets available on the door on the night, from 6.30.
TICKETS & EVENT INFO (the small print stuff)
- Tickets are limited to 40
- and are a low low £5
- but you have to book a table even if it's just you. Singletons book tables for 2.
- please book and pay through Paypal using the orange Donate button above, top right
Please book a TABLE (for however many are in your group - max 6) rather than individual tickets, as pubs are not allowed to seat people of different "groups" (even if that group is only one person) together. So we strongly suggest you contact your friends if you think they'll be coming, and book a table together. If you're on your own just book a table for 2, but these are limited.Tickets will be limited to 40 (assuming all tables are full - may be slightly fewer if some tables are not full), and our ticket price remains a furlough-favouring £5.
PLEASE NOTE that ALL guests are required to do track & trace at the venue - if you don't have the NHS app you can fill in your details on paper.
How to book: Please use the Donate button on the top right of the LL website page (look up, look right, it's small and orangey-yellow ...) to donate the price of however many tickets you want to us. So a table for 6 would be £30, but a table for 2 with only one guest is £5 because we're not going to punish you for not filling a table. Here's how you do it.
- Click the Donate button
- Enter the amount: £5 for 1 ticket, £10 for 2 etc. (you have to type in 5 - 0 - 0 for £5, it's slightly non-intuitive)
- Click Donate. This will take you to your Paypal login (if you don't have Paypal get someone else on your table to pay for tickets :)
- IMPORTANT: Where it says Add a note please enter your name plus how many you want on your table. E.g. Katy Darby, Table for 4 ... Track & trace/QR code stuff is done at the venue so we don't need everyone's names, just the booker's.
- Ideally, tick the Share your email address button so we can contact you if there's any problem
- Click Donate Now
- And you're done!
N.B. ALL donated funds (after Paypal fees) support contributing actors & authors: we take nothing.