The Asian branch of the transcontinental Liars' League empire is Liars' League Hong Kong. Their first event took place in February 2013, and in 2015 their story The Last Curse by Peng Shepherd was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 as the first in a three-part Liars' League series. LLHK hosts events quarterly at Terrible Baby in Eaton, and accept flash fiction of 800-1200 words only.
Their website is and their Facebook page is
The next event is Yay & Nay on 14th October at 8pm at Terrible Baby, 4/F, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. It's free!
Their next deadline is for 800-1200 word stories themed on Stop & Go, and closes on 15th November. Please submit your work (anonymised, i.e. with no name on the document) to [email protected]
Forthcoming events & deadlines: