Dear Lorna Fullingham,
It is our pleasure to welcome you to Starling House as its newest resident. All of us in the building were delighted to receive your submission. We’re a jolly community here in the block, always living in a neighbourly spirit and ready to band together for the common good. We do hope you find apartment 11B to your liking. We’re afraid the previous resident was something of a slob, but we were thorough with the clean up. Let us know of any residual offensiveness and we’ll tackle it together.
You’ll find a community of like-minded neighbours here in Starling House. Our values are tolerance, inclusion, and togetherness. Learn those words, friend, because here they are ideas by which to live and die.
You’ll notice that every other apartment with a balcony on the southern wall has a planter of flowers. There’s a pattern of geraniums, chrysanthemums and marigolds alternating with a bouquet of nasturtiums and crocum – the latter of which your balcony falls into, being on the 11th floor. The effect when seen from the retail courtyard is quite something. Let us know if you need any help getting the flowers to bloom. Rubbish collection is on Wednesdays. Recycling Thursdays. Welcome again,
The Housing Committee
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